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Get a magic link in your inbox to sign-in and to unlock premium features

What is a magic link ?

We want to improve your experience. No more remembering or saving passwords. Simply open the magic link sent to your email to sign in.

Can I share my magic link with someone else ?

We do not recommend to share your magic link. Magic link opens up a session and logs into your account.

I did not receive my magic link. What should I do ?

Make sure that you have entered correct business email address and check your SPAM folder

If the above didn't help, please raise a support ticket and we will help you as soon as possible.

How do I use JMX Enhancer solutions if I lost my email that I signed up with ?

JMX Enhancer requires a business email to use our solutions. If you lost or if you need to change your business email information, please raise a support ticket with us.

Does JMX Enhancer require cookies ? If so, how do I enable them ?

Yes, cookies must be enabled to use our solutions. We authenticate you via the magic link.

Most browsers allow you to enable cookies in their Privacy settings. Choose a medium-to-low level.